AMC/STU/ /2012-13 12.02.2013
Ref: No.ED-100-URC/2000, dated:08.08.2000.
In accordance with the Government Circular Under reference, a vigilance flying squad is hereby constituted with the Principal as Chairman and the following members telephone numbers and emails IDs.
01. |
Dr. S.V.Divakar Principal |
Chairman |
9900329850 |
02. |
Dr. B.R.Ramesh Prof.& HOD of Anatomy |
Member |
9448889607 |
03. |
Dr.P.L.Bindumathi Prof. & HOD of Medicine |
Member |
9448134898 |
04. |
Dr.Ratna Bulusu Warden Ladies Hostel |
Member |
9916246985 |
05. |
Dr.Lincoln Deva Kumar Warden Gents Hostel |
Member |
9845228103 |
06. |
Dr.Krishna Rao Prof. & HOD of Surgery |
Member |
9341308477 |
07. |
Dr. Madan Mohan N.T Assoc. Prof. of Dermatology |
Member |
9845074316 |
08. |
Inspector of Police, D.J.Halli |
Member |
9880478781 |
09. |
Sub inspector D.J.Halli |
Member |
9886761639 |
10. |
Dr.Virender Gaur (House Surgeon) |
Member |
9880686736 |
11. |
Miss.Shubha (IX term) |
Member |
9312485843 |
The Committee will oversee the objectives of the Government Circular and ensure that no unto ward incidents take place in the college during the academic year – 2012-13.
All the Heads of Department,
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Medical College,
Bangalore – 560045.
Sub: Curbing the menace of Ragging in Educational Institutions.
Ref: Government of Karnataka Education Department
Letter No.:ED-100-URC-2000, dated 8th August 2000
Registrar, RGUHS. Letter No.: RGUHS/ACA/Misc-03 /97-98 Date 10th February 2000.
With reference to above the menace of ragging needs to be stopped by al means. The Freshers are being addressed suitably along with their parents in the Orientation Programme. Similarly the Vice Principal/HOD’s shall address the senior students to create awareness at the frequent intervals about the Punishments being meted out against ragging. The punishments are as under.
Imprisonment with term, which may extend to one year or a fine up to Rs.2000/- or both.
College may fine to the extent of Rs.25,000/-.
Photograph of students shall be published in notice boards/local newspapers.
No passport or visa and mentioned shall be made in the migration certificate.
Academic records shall be tainted with black marks.
Denial of Scholarship/Fellowship, Railway concession, Travel Concession etc.,
Debarred from internal assessment /examination and withholding of results.
Dismissal from college.
A line of confirmation having addressed the senior students may please be sent to us on or before 15th October 2010.
AMC/STU/ /2012-13 12.02.2013
As per the direction of the Government of Karnataka, the Principal of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Medical College,
The members are hereby directed to take strict and immediate actions against students involved in ragging in the college and Hostel and Hospital premises.
GENTS HOSTEL:“Anti Ragging Committee”.
1. |
Dr. S.V.Divakar |
: |
Principal |
9900329850 |
2. |
Dr.Ramesh.B.R |
: |
Prof. & HOD of Anatomy |
9448889607 |
3. |
Dr.Krishna Rao |
: |
Prof. of Surgery |
9341308477 |
4. |
Dr.Lincoln Dev Kumar |
: |
Prof. & HOD of Physiology, Warden |
9845228103 |
5. |
Dr.Balachandra |
: |
Asst. Prof. of Anatomy & Asst.Warden |
9886592995 |
6. |
Mr.Nagaiah.J |
: |
F.D.C, , I/c Gents Hostel |
9945249725 |
1. |
Dr.Virender Gaur |
: |
House Surgeon |
9880686736 |
2. |
Mr.Sunil.E |
: |
9th term |
9886932058 |
LADIES HOSTEL :“Anti Ragging Committee”.
1. |
Dr.P.L.Bindumathi |
: |
Prof. of Medicine |
9448134898 |
2. |
Dr.Ratna Bulusu |
: |
Prof. & HOD of OBG |
9916246985 |
3. |
Dr.Ashoojit Kaur Anand |
: |
Asst. Prof. Com.Med |
9449164036 |
4. |
Smt.Pushpalatha.M.L |
: |
Computer Operator I/c Ladies Hostel |
9449325505 |
1. |
: |
IX term |
9312485843 |
2. |
: |
VII term |
9902366032 |
COLLEGE STAFF:“Anti Ragging Committee”.
1. |
Dr. S.V.Divakar |
: |
Principal |
9900329850 |
2. |
Dr.Hemalatha |
: |
Prof. & HOD of Biochemistry |
9945436594 |
3. |
Dr.H.T.Jayaprakash |
: |
Prof. & HOD of Pathology |
9342710070 |
4. |
Sri.Basavalingappa.S.K |
: |
I/c.Librarian |
9964542875 |
5. |
Mr.Basavaraju |
: |
Deputy Librarian |
9845142035 |
6. |
Mr.D.Somesh |
: |
Vehicle Incharge |
9449788463 |
7. |
Mr.P.M.Mahadevaiah |
: |
Manager, AMC |
9738999319 |
8. |
Smt. M.N.Sarala |
: |
FDC, PG Section |
9980641295 |
9. |
Smt.Sudhamani |
: |
FDC, Student Section |
9945213249 |
10. |
Sri.Nagaraj |
: |
SDC, Student Section |
9945390126 |
11. |
Mr. Somashekar |
: |
Security Officer, Young Security Services, AMC Campus. |
9945164887 |