Department of Anatomy

Dr. Vasudha Kulkarni

Faimer fellow, CMCL 2012

Quality control manager for genetic laboratories (NABL certified)

Academic Distinctions

  1. Scored 75.26% in post-graduation, stood 1st for Karnataka state.
  2. Postgraduate of the year 2010 at 13th Karnataka Chapter of Anatomists Conference, September 2011 at JJMC, Davangere, Karnataka.
  3. Gold medal for excellence in postgraduation – Synapse, 2011- DRBRAMC, Bangalore.
  4. Best paper award for poster presentation on “An Innovative Staining Method for Staining Nervous Tissue using Indian Berry Stain, 18th KCA conference, JSSMC Mysuru, 10th – 11th Sep 2016.
  5. Convener of Institutional Medical education Unit.

Mr. Kiran Kumar D



Gold medal for highest marks in Master of Science(Medical Sciences) examination , June 2015

Department of Anaesthesiology

Dr. K. S. Jyothsana Prabhat,

  1. Awarded first prize in the 15th Annual Vijaynagar PG Quiz contest, during PG Excel 2018 held at Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, B. G. Nagawara on 10th & 11th February 2018.

Dr. Aditya Manjunath, Junior Resident

  1. Received ISA inland fellowship Award-2018, given by ISA National association
  2. Presented a paper in ISACON 2018 at Agra, title “ Comparative study of intrathecal 0.5% isobaric levobupivacaine and 0.5% Hyperbaric Bupivacaine in elderly patients undergoing infra-umbilical surgeries”
  3. Presented a poster in ISACON Karnataka 2018, “ A case of Duchene’s muscular dystrophy” for perianal surgery.

Dr. Shobha S, Junior Resident

Presented a paper at 3rd International conference on Public Health and published in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Public health, Vol. 3, 2017 pp,269-284.  Title “ Whole grain consumption and its determinants in Malaysian Medical Students”

Department of Pharmacology

Under Graduate Examination Results:-  December 2018 / January 2019

5 distinctions

Highest Score –  82.5% – Miss.Hiba.N.M

Post Graduate Examination Results:-    June / July 2018

  1. Upasana Dube –   493/700 6th Rank – RGUHS
  2. Ashok Kumar.S.N. –  491/700 7th Rank  – RGUHS

Department of Community Medicine

Date: 26-02-2018 to 02-03-2018: Workshop on Sensitization of Tuberculosis, technical and opera national guidelines 2016.

Conducted by Department of Community Medicine with coordination of RNTCP staff. Sensitization was done regarding tuberculosis disease, its mode of transmission, method of sputum collection and its transportation for laboratory investigation.

Recent changes in investigation and treatment algorithm and its implementation. Methods of Disposal of Sputum changes in incentives for case detection and on completion of treatment for patient as well as Asha workers, done for all staff nurses, house surgeons and post graduates in MEU hall Dr. B.R Ambedkar Medical College.

Also health education regarding Tuberculosis disease, its mode of spread and measures to be taken for prevention and control was provided in schools for middle school and high school students.

Date: 06-03-2018: CME and Sensitization on tuberculosis and technical operational guidelines 2016.

Conducted by Department of Community Medicine at Dr. B.R Ambedkar Medical College.

Recent advances in laboratory investigation treatment algorithm for tuberculosis disease. Early signs and symptoms for case detection.

Date: 05-06-2018: WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2018



Conducted by Department of Community medicine of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Medical College in collaboration with National Service Scheme.

Inauguration of World environment day 2018 at Auditorium of college, various events were conducted to create awareness regarding Hazards of Plastic usage and methods to reduce Re-use & Re- Cycle plastic objects.

Events conducted rally, street play, plastic clean up drive in Campus and competition on poster, pencil sketching, slogan writing among MBBS students.

Date: 02/08/2018 to 06/08/2018: WORLD BREASTFEEDING WEEK -2018




As a mark of 2018 year’s World Breastfeeding week , we as a Medical college committed towards helping mothers ,children and community realize the benefits of Breastfeeding  through Health education sessions held at our college, urban and rural practice areas of our college.

Topics covered –

a)World  Breastfeeding week – Importance of celebration and the present year’s theme .

b)Breastfeeding and its importance

c)Awareness regarding Proper Breastfeeding Practices and Techniques through “ Roleplay”

Department of Biochemistry

Advanced course in Medical education ACME at St Johns Medical college.

  1. Dr. Karthik  2017-18
  2. Dr. Nataraj B 2018-19

Department of General Surgery

Basic Surgical Skill Workshop for Interns on 22/08/2017