
  1. On admission, each student is given an identity card duly attested by the Principal. The student will have to carry the card always and produce the same whenever demanded by the college authorities.
  2. All students shall compulsorily wear a white over-coat with name badge while in the campus.
  3. Every student should conduct himself /herself in an exemplary manner both at the campus and public places.
  4. No student of the college should indulge in any activity that involves him/her in civil or criminal litigation.
  5. Smoking, liquor and drugs are banned in the college and hospital premises.
  6. Students should refrain from disfiguring the walls , furniture etc and from other objectionable practices.
  7. Change of address, telephone numbers and other details should be informed at the college office/ students section.
  8. Students have to watch the notice boards of the college/hospital/departments and website (bramc.org) for latest information.



Every student should be Regular and punctual and have a minimum of 75% attendance in theory and practical separately in each subject, in each phase, calculated from the date of commencement of the term to the last working day as notified by the University to take the examination.

Internal Assessment

It is based on theory and practical test evaluation assignments, preparation of seminar, clinical presentation etc., Regular periodic examinations is conducted throughout the course.

A minimum of three internal exams are conducted and the final marks is decided based on their performance on all the above. Those candidates who score 50% and above are permitted to take up the University exams.

University Examinations

University exams are held at the end of each phase in each subject, as per the guidelines of the RGUHS. (held twice in a year)


Pay yearly Tuition fees and and other fees if any before the due date Defaulters will not be allowed to write the University examination

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AMC/STU/            /2012-13                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        12.02.2013


 Sub: Prohibition of Ragging in the college and Hostels

Ref: No.ED-100-URC/2000, dated:08.08.2000.


In accordance with the Government Circular Under reference, a vigilance flying squad is hereby constituted with the Principal as Chairman and the following members telephone numbers and emails IDs.

01 Dr. S.V.Divakar


Chairman 9900329850

[email protected]

02 Dr. B.R.Ramesh

Prof.& HOD of Anatomy

Member 9448889607

[email protected]

03 Dr.P.L.Bindumathi

Prof. & HOD of Medicine

Member 9448134898

[email protected]

04 Dr.Ratna Bulusu

Warden Ladies Hostel

Member 9916246985
05 Dr.Lincoln Deva Kumar

Warden Gents Hostel

Member 9845228103

[email protected]

06 Dr.Krishna Rao

Prof. & HOD of Surgery

Member 9341308477
07 Dr. Madan Mohan N.T

Assoc. Prof. of Dermatology

Member 9845074316

[email protected]

08 Inspector of Police, D.J.Halli Member 9880478781
09 Sub inspector D.J. Halli Member 9886761639
10 Dr.Virender Gaur

(House Surgeon)

Member 9880686736
11 Miss.Shubha

(IX term)

Member 9312485843

The Committee will oversee the objectives of the Government Circular and ensure that no unto ward incidents take place in the college during the academic year – 2012-13.

                                                               AMC/STU/                                                 /2012-13                                                                                               12.02.2013


All the Heads of Department,

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Medical College,

Bangalore – 560045.


Sub: Curbing the menace of Ragging in Educational Institutions.

Ref: Government of Karnataka Education Department

 Letter No.:ED-100-URC-2000, dated 8th August 2000

                              Registrar, RGUHS. Letter No.: RGUHS/ACA/Misc-03 /97-98 Date  10th February 2000.

              With reference to above the menace of ragging needs to be stopped by al means. The Freshers are being addressed suitably along with their parents in the Orientation Programme. Similarly the Vice Principal/HOD’s shall address the senior students to create awareness at the frequent intervals about the Punishments being meted out against ragging.  The punishments are as under.

                           Imprisonment with term, which may extend to one year or a fine up to Rs.2000/- or both.

                          College may fine to the extent of Rs.25,000/-.

                          Photograph of students shall be published in notice boards/local newspapers.

                          No passport or visa and mentioned shall be made in the migration certificate.

                          Academic records shall be tainted with black marks.

                          Denial of Scholarship/Fellowship, Railway concession, Travel Concession etc.,

                         Debarred from internal assessment /examination and withholding of results.

                          Dismissal from college.

A line of confirmation having addressed the senior students may please be sent to us on or before 15th October 2010.

AMC/STU/            /2012-13                                                                                                                                    12.02.2013



As per the direction of the Government of Karnataka, the Principal of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Medical College, Bangalore has nominated the following staff and students as the members of “Anti Ragging Committee”.

The members are hereby directed to take strict and immediate actions against students involved in ragging in the college and Hostel and Hospital premises.

GENTS HOSTEL:“Anti Ragging Committee”.

1. Dr. S.V.Divakar : Principal 9900329850

[email protected]

2. Dr.Ramesh.B.R : Prof. & HOD of Anatomy 9448889607

[email protected]

3. Dr.Krishna Rao : Prof. of Surgery 9341308477
4. Dr.Lincoln Dev Kumar : Prof. & HOD of Physiology, Warden 9845228103

[email protected]

5. Dr.Balachandra : Asst. Prof. of Anatomy & Asst.Warden 9886592995

[email protected]

6. Mr.Nagaiah.J : F.D.C, , I/c Gents Hostel 9945249725


Dr.Virender Gaur : House Surgeon 9880686736
Mr.Sunil.E : 9th term 9886932058

LADIES HOSTEL :“Anti Ragging Committee”.

1. Dr.P.L.Bindumathi : Prof. of Medicine 9448134898

[email protected]

2. Dr.Ratna Bulusu : Prof. & HOD of OBG 9916246985
3. Dr.Ashoojit Kaur Anand : Asst. Prof. Com.Med 9449164036
4. Smt.Pushpalatha.M.L : Computer Operator I/c Ladies Hostel 9449325505


1. Miss. Shubha : IX term 9312485843
2. Miss. Shron Victoria Mendez : VII term 9902366032


COLLEGE STAFF:“Anti Ragging Committee”.

1. Dr. S.V.Divakar : Principal 9900329850
2. Dr.Hemalatha : Prof. & HOD of Biochemistry 9945436594
3. Dr.H.T.Jayaprakash : Prof. & HOD of Pathology 9342710070
4. Sri.Basavalingappa.S.K : I/c.Librarian 9964542875
5. Mr.Basavaraju : Deputy Librarian 9845142035
6. Mr.D.Somesh : Vehicle Incharge 9449788463
7. Mr.P.M.Mahadevaiah : Manager, AMC 9738999319
8. Smt. M.N.Sarala : FDC, PG Section 9980641295
9. Smt.Sudhamani : FDC, Student Section 9945213249
10. Sri.Nagaraj : SDC, Student Section 9945390126
11. Mr. Somashekar : Security Officer,

Young Security Services,

AMC Campus.

