The Ananda Social and Educational Trust was set up as the outcome of a dream of committed Scheduled Caste intellectuals and philanthropists to make a positive contribution for the betterment of SC and ST and underprivileged people
by opening up new avenues for them to find better slots in the social hierarchy by providing quality education. To this end a Medical college named after Bharatha Rathna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was established by the Trust in July 1981
- Late Dr.N.T.Mohan
- Sri. P.L.Nanjundaswamy
- Sri. L.Shivalingaiah
- Sri. V.S.Kuber
- Late Sri. H.S.Shivaswamy
- Sri. M.K.Kempasiddaiah
- Late Sri. M.H.Jayaprakash Narayan
- Late Sri. B.Gopalaiah
- Sri. S.Gurappaji
- Sri. H.S.Mahadeva Prasad
- Sri. Radhakrishna
- Dr. N. T. Murali Mohan
The odds the visionary team had to contend with were many, but the co-operation and encouragement received from several quarters made the dream project a reality.
The Government of Karnataka under the stewardship of Sri.R.Gundu Rao accorded sanction to the Ananda Trust to start a medical college on 6th July 1981 at Cooke Town. Subsequently, the Karnataka Government and Late Sri.B.Basavalingappa, The Then minister,extended generous help with the allotment of 25 acres of land at Kadugondanahalli, Bangalore , at virtually no cost, to build its own campus.
The Trust, which has a rich experience in the field of Medical education, also runs Dental College, College and School of Nursing, College of Physiotherapy as well as Institutes of Medical Laboratory Technology and Radiography, Its motto is to serve the weaker sections of the community, handicapped socially, educationally & economically.
For having rendered generous help and advice in building the Institutions the AS&ET records its grateful thanks to:
- The Government of Karnataka
- Late Sri R. Gundu Rao : Former Chief Minister of Karnataka
- Late Justice Sri. K. Bhimaiah : Former Chief Justice of Karnataka and Chief Patron
- Late Sri. B. Basavalingappa : Former Minister of Karnataka
- Late Sri B. Rachaiah : Former Minister, Karnataka and Governor of Kerala.
- Late Sri C.M. Armugam : Former MLA
- Sri. M. Mallikarjuna Kharge : Presently Union Minister for Labour & Employment, Govt. of India
- Late Sri B.Shankaranand, Former Union Minister