Department of Anatomy
Dr. Vasudha Kulkarni
Scientific Publications
- Kulkarni V, Ramesh BR. Quantification of Neurons of Human Nucleus Accumbens by Fractal Analysis. Acad. Anat. Int. 2018;4(1):35-40.
- Vasudha Kulkarni, Ramesh BR. Applicability of image analysis of neurons and neuroglia of fundus striati using cell profiler software. MOJ Anatomy & Physiology. Volume 5 Issue 4 – 2018; 237-243.
Presently working on
- Impact of Peer assessment scores on overall performance of students in Team based learning.
- Metric and nonmetric analysis of South Indian skulls
- Alternate stain to Hematoxylin with financial grant for research from RGUHS
Dr . Shylaja D K
Assistant Professor
Department of Anatomy
List of publications :
- Shylaja D K, B R Ramesh. Study of Anatomical variations of structures in relation to Piriformis muscle. Int J Anat Res 2017; 5(3) :4373-4377
- Shylaja D K, Sharada B Menasinkai, B R Ramesh. Study of incidence of congenital musculoskeletal malformations and its relation to maternal age, parity and birth weight of the newborn. Indian journal of clinical Anatomy and Physiology. October-December, 2017 ;4(4) :546-551
Department of Physiology
Dr Lingaraj Jayalakshmi
FAIMER(fellowship in advancement of medical education and research); International Fellowship recognized by MCI.- 2009 – 2011 from PSG institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore.
Dr Komala Devi S.D
FAIMER(fellowship in advancement of medical education and research). A 2 international Fellowship recognized by MCI.- 200 8– 2010 from PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore.
Publication: A cross-sectional comparative study of functional features of Neutrophils in Subclinical Hypothyroid and Euthyroid subjects. Bindu Mohan, Komala Devi Sampath Damodar, Annals of Medical Physiology. Accepted in 05/01/2019
Department of Biochemistry
- Serum H Pylori Antibodies and Thyroid disorders in chronic urticaria .
Dr Shantha kumari N, Dr Karthik G, Dr Nataraj B.
IOSR-JBB vol 4, issue 2, 2018, 9-11.
- Comparative study of Serum copper, zinc, Cu/Zn in pulmonary tuberculosis patients with normal subjects.
Dr Karthik G, Dr Shantha kumari N, Dr Nataraj B.
IJCBR 2018, 5(2): 172-174
- Study of serum calcium, magnesium and uric acid levels in pre-eclampsia and normal pregnancy.
Dr Nataraj B, Dr Shantha kumari N, Dr Karthik G.
IOSR-JBB vol 4, issue 2, 2018, 64-68.
Advanced course in Medical education ACME at St Johns Medical college.
- Dr Karthik 2017-18
- Dr Nataraj B 2018-19
- Naziri Juvale L. Sreenivas Murthy, NITIN S Gohale, Manjula S, Krishna Kumar M
An Observational Study on the efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Rosuvastatin in India patients with Dyslipidemia: The RID-3 study.Indian Journal of clinical practice, Vol.28 no 2 july 2017 Pg. no(146-151)
2.L. Sreenivas Murthy: Sudhanshu Pandey2 , Bharija Subhash Chandra3 , Monisha Sharma2 , SR Ranganathaiah4 , P Vaidya5 , Rajiv Naik6 Immunogenicity, Safety, and Tolerability of Live Attenuated Varicella-Zoster Virus Vaccine (ZOSTAVAXTM) ) in Healthy Adults in India. Journal of The Association of Physician of India Vol.66-July 2018 Pg. no (48-53)
3.Author Block: Jothydev Kesavadev, L. Sreenivas Murthy.., Banshi D. Saboo, Sadasiva Rao Yalamanchi, Balamurugan Ramanathan , Sunil Gupta, Sanjay Chatterjee , Manjunatha Revanna, Harsha Kasetty , Trivandrum, India Bengaluru, India Ahmedabad, India Vijayawada, India Coimbatore, India Nagpur, India Kolkata, India. One year Safety and Effectiveness of insulln Degludec in patients with diabetes mellitus in routine clinical practice in india : Trust (Tresiba Real-world use study)
- Febrile thrombocytopenia experiences in a Government tertiary care hospitals, journal of General Medicine and Pharmacy. Vol 4, Jan-June 2015, issue 1, Pg No 124
- Cerebrovascular stroke Spectrum, Journal of General Medicine and Pharmacy. Vol 4, Jan – june 2015, Issue 1, Pg No 5-10
- Clinical profile of patients with febrile thrombocytopenia and rreponse to steroids in a tertiary care centre, journal of General Medicine and Pharmacy. Vol 4, Jan – june 2015, Issue 1, Pg No 39-42.
- Helicobacter Pylori and Vascular disease, journal of General Medicine and Pharmacy. Vol 4, Jan – june 2015, Issue 1, Pg No 43-48
- Serum phosphorous, as a selective prognostic indicator in Diabetic Ketoacidosis, journal Evidence based Medicine and Health care,. Vol 2, Jan –Feb 2015, Issue 6.
- Acomparative of Selective indicator profiles in patients with Ischemic and Hemorrhagic stroke. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Health Care, Vol 2, Issue 6, Feb 2015,
Department of Community Medicine
- Dr K N Prasad, Mr Puttaswamy M. Community Based, Crosssectional Study on Sickness absentism amongAgriculture workersin Ramanagara Sistrict, Karnataka. SJAMS .March 2017; 5(3C):912-919.
- Prabhavathi R, Madhusudan SR, Suman Mg, Govindaraj M, Puttaswamy M . Study of clinical and laboratory predictive markers of dengue fever and severe dengue in children. IJPR. June2017,Vol.4, Isuue-6, pg.397-404.
- Dr K N Prasad, Mr Puttaswamy M. Cross sectional study on direct and indirect costs incurred towards dots treatment by tuberculosis patients in Bengaluru city. EJPMR . Sept. 2017,4(9), 495-500.
- Dr Bushra jabeen, Sathyanarayana S P, Mr Puttaswamy M. A cross-sectional study on knowledge, attitude and practice of infant feeding practices among reproductive age women attending outpatient department of obstetrics and gynecology in Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital, Bengaluru-45. IJCMPH; 2018 Sep;5(9): 4023-4027.
- Dr Jagadish S, Dr Bushra Jabeen, Mr Puttaswamy M. A Study of Sleep Pattern and Associated Factors among MBBS Students of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medical College, Bangalore. Vol.6. Sup. Issue 1. 2017(015-022)
- Dr Sneha smriti, Dr S V Divakar, Dr Suryanarayana S P, Mr Puttaswamy M. Prevalence of substance abuse among high school students in field practising area of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medical College, Bengaluru .IJCMPH October 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 10.
Dr. Divya Vincent, Senior Resident
One article has been accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Anaesthesia & Analgesia, entitled “Effect of intrathecal Dexmeditomedine with hyperbaric Bupivacaine administered as a mixture and sequentially in lower abdominal procedures
Department OF Forensic Medicine
- Karthik SK, Nagaraj BM, Jayaprakash G, Manjunath KH. Asphyxial deaths: An Autopsy Based Study in Dr.B.R.Ambedkar medical college, Bengaluru. Journal of Karnataka Medico Legal Society. Jul – Dec 2017; 26(2) : 27 – 30.
- Karthik SK, Jayaprakash G, Nagaraj BM, Manjunath KH. Autopsy study of Homicidal cut throat injuries. Journal of Karnataka Medico Legal Society. Jan – June 2018; 27(1) : 21 – 24.
- Karthik SK, Thippeswamy KH, Nagaraj BM, Jayaprakash G, Manjunath KH. Pattern of Defence wounds among Homicidal victims. Journal of South India Medicolegal Association. March 2018; 10(1): 11-13.
- Karthik SK, Nagaraj BM, Jayaprakash G, Manjunath KH. An analytical study of 118 Hanging cases autopsied at Dr.B.R.Ambedkar
medical college, Bengaluru, Karnataka. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. July-September 2018; 12(3): 21-24.
Serial no. | Title | Highest qualification | Designation | Paper published and academic activities |
02 | Dr. Mamata Kale | MD (Microbiology) | Associate prof |
- Karthik SK, Nagaraj BM, Jayaprakash G, Manjunath KH. Profile of Medicolegal cases registered in the casualty of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar medical college and hospital, Bengaluru. Accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology during 2019.
Karthik SK, Mohana velu J, Nagaraj BM, Jayaprakash G. Profile of Unnatural deaths in Bengaluru North – An autopsy based study. Accepted for publication in Journal of Karnataka Medico Legal Society during 2019.
Department of Microbiology
- Kale M, Das S, Mahesh V, Beena PM. Performance of chemiluminiscence assay using reverse algorithm for syphilis screening in blood donors. 2018. Journal of pure and applied microbiology. 12(4:2253-7)
- Sujatha K, Karthik R. Study of antibiotic resistance among uropathogens and faecal commensal Escherichia coli in paediatric age groups to revise the role of faecal Escherichia coli as reservoir of antibiotic resistance. IJCMAS. 2018. 7(12): 2979-2983
- R Karthik, R Ambica, T Nagaratnamma. Study of biofilm production and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern in clinical isolates of Proteus species at tertiary care hospital. IJCMAS. 2018.7(1):574-586.
- Dr.Shaista Choudhary Storage artefacts in Peripheral blood smears IP Journal of Diagnostic
Pathology and Oncology – 2018;3 (3):187-191
2.Fine needle Aspiration Cytology as a Diagnostic tool in Breast Lumps 2018 International journal of current research,10,(06), 70099-70102.
- Ravishankar Katkar, Shaista Choudhary, Role of mast cells in surgically resected specimens of appendices Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology 2018;5(4):667-670
- Anushree .C.N Histopathological spectrum of Cholecystectomy specimens in a tertiary care hospital in Bangalore. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology 2018;5(1):145-149
- Dr Sujatha R; Clinicopathological spectrum of Keratinocytic Tumours of Skin in a Tertiary care centre. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology, 2018; 5(4):524-530
- Dr Lekha M B; Ultrasound/Computed tomography guided fine needle aspiration cytology of liver lesions. IP journal of Diagnostic pathology and oncology, April-June,2018;3(2):68-74.
Department of Pharmacology
- Veena .D . R , Shanmukananda . P . Knowledge , Attitude And Practice Of Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting And Pharmacovigilance Among Health Care Professionals In A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. International Journal Of Research In Pharmacology And Pharmacotherapeutics . July – September 2018 . Vol 7 ; Issue 3 : 233 – 238
- Ashok Kumar . S . N , Madan Mohan , Shwetha . H , Shanmukananda . P , Veena . D . R , Upasana Dube . A Prospective Randomised Open Labelled Comparative Study Of Antiinflammatory Effects Of Topical 5 % Benzoyl Peroxide Gel Vs Topical 4 % Nicotinamide Gel For Grade I – Ii Acne In A Tertiary Care Hospital.International Journal Of Basic And Clinical Pharmacology. May 2018 . Vol 7 ; Issue 5 : 952 – 955
- Sagar . K , Shanmukananda . P , Veena . D . R , Shwetha . H. A Comparative Study Of The Efficacy And Tolerability Of Parenteral Ceftriaxone And Cefotaxime In Pediatric Population For Acute Bacillar Dysentry In A Tertiary Care Hospital. International Journal Of Basic And Clinical Pharmacology. June 2018 . Vol 7 ; Issue 6 : 1109 – 1113.
- Upasana Dube , Shwetha . H , Shanmukananda . P , Veena . D .R , Ashok Kumar. Prescribing Patterns Of Drugs In Alcohol Dependence In A Tertiary Care Hosital. International Journal Of Basic And Clinical Pharmacology. Nov 2017 . Vol 6 ; Issue 11 : 2621 – 2624.
Department of Ophthalmology
- Analysis Of Optic Disc And Peripappillary Area Using Oct In Young Adults In Indian Myopc Eyes At Dr Ambedkar Medical College .- Dr Rani Sujatha & Dr Aabid Maqbool. – Journal Of Evidence Based Medicine And Health Care. Volume – 3, Issue -19 Page No 777 – 785, March
- Visual outcome in patients with Traumatic Optic Neuropathy attending Tertiary Care Hospital – Dr M A Rani Sujatha , Dr L Punitha&DrPoluriSwarnalatha – Journal of Research in Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences / Vol. 2/ Issue – 2 , July 2016 , Page Nos.: 0 – 5
Department of Radiology
Dr. Mahesh Hariharan , Dr. Saqib Hussain, Dr. Rajan B , Dr. SSM ZainulAbidin Sarmast. Focal hepatic lesions in adults-A correlative study of imaging features on Ultrasound, Triple phase Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography, Diffusion Weighted Sequence on Magnetic Resonance Imaging with histopathological findings. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 18, Issue 2 Ser. 3 (February. 2019), PP 28-49