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Prakash BS, Padmalatha K,Mamatha Y, Balachandra N, Ramesh BR. The Relation of Sciatic Nerve to pireformis muscle. Anatomica Karnataka.2010;4 : 83-87.
Mamatha Y, Padmalatha K, Prakash BS, Ramesh BR. Superficial Ulnar Artery – A case report. Anatomica Karnataka. 2010;4: 78-82
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Department of Microbiology
Clinicomycological study of Dermatophytosis in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Bangalore. Investigator: Dr.Sajitha.K, Dr.Carol. Co-investigator: Dr.Rathish.KC, Dr.Saroj Golia Incidence of Hepatitis B infection in pre-operative patients for a period of ten years in a Tertiary Care Hospital Investigator: Dr.Rathish.KC, Dr.Sajitha.K Co-investigator: Dr.Saroj Golia, Dr.Kavita Nimboor, Dr.Sujatha.R
Comparative study of Helicobacter pylori infection with invasive (Culture,Histopathology, Rapid urease test) and non-invasive (Serology) techniques in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangalore Investigator: Dr.Sujatha R. Co-investigator: Dr.Rathish.KC, Dr.Saroj Golia
Dept of Physiology
Study of effects of mobile phones on auditory acuity. Investigator: Dr.Balaji PA. Co-investigator: Dr.Kailash N
Metabolic parameters and Anthropometric measurement in Type2 DM patients Investigator: Dr.Balaji PA Co-investigator: Dr.Bindumathi PL
Dept of Opthalmology
Comparative study of Astigmatism induced by ECCE & SICS Dr Ranisujatha and Dr Nithya Nepal
Post operative visual outcome & intraocula pressure contact lens induced glaucoma Dr Ranisujatha and Dr Praveen
Dept of Anaesthesiology
Bindumathi PL, Natraj, Yuvraaj singh, Divya Jaya. Thyroid dysfunction in postmenopausal women kapicon-2010. Ratna Bulusu, Chintan Upadhyay, Mahesh Koregal. Outcome of pregnancy following abortions. Yuva FOGSI Madurai,2009